Find a roommate/carpool

Post a comment here if you are looking for a roommate or carpool for transportation to the conference!

About udc2012

The Union for Democratic Communications is an organization of communication researchers, journalists, media producers, policy analysts, academics and activists dedicated to the critical study of the communications establishment, the production and distribution of democratically controlled and produced media and the development of democratic communications systems. UDC encourages critical perspectives in communication theory, media production, and the study of popular culture.

Posted on March 30, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Driving from Tampa May 10th with two or three extra seats. Also looking for a room!

  2. Adina Edwards

    I am flying in from Canada on the 10th at 5pm and will be driving from Jacksonville to the conference getting me there a little too late to participate in the official opening in the evening. (this would probably get me in to Tallahassee at about 9pm. Just thought I’d see if anyone wanted to carpool to share the cost of gas who may be along the route.
    you can contact me at
    Adina Edwards.

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